Flight Sim enthusiast, technology fanatic, and obsessive cockpit builder!

Most commented posts

  1. Sismo Configuration with Prosim v2.0 — 9 comments
  2. 737 Overhead Power Distribution Rewiring — 6 comments
  3. Customizing Sounds in Prosim737 2.x — 5 comments
  4. Wet Compass and More 3D Printed Parts — 4 comments
  5. Take Your Seats! Building an Inexpensive J-Rail Alternative — 4 comments

Author's posts

Linked Control Columns & Loading – Part 1 – May the Force be with you!

“Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” —Yoda, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Introduction One of the things I’ve wanted for a long time is linked control columns, and it’s the last major item needed to complete my reasonable recreation of a Boeing 737-800 cockpit. In Part 1 of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.simobsession.com/blog/linked-control-columns-loading-part-1-may-the-force-be-with-you/

Boeing 737 Sim Update – May 2023 – Bulkhead Paint and Detail

Rear bulkhead cabinet with Instructor station shown.

It has been a while since my last update. While it may seem things have been pretty quiet, I’ve made quite a bit of progress over the months since then and thought I’d share. Bulkhead Progress The rear bulkhead has been a pretty big project these past months, but it’s mostly complete (for now). I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.simobsession.com/blog/boeing-737-sim-may-2023-update/

A Different Kind of Simulator – Virtual Pinball!

Nearing completion of my Virtual Pinball Table

Sometimes you need a fun diversion from flight simming. So I decided to make my own virtual pinball machine.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.simobsession.com/blog/pinball/

Boeing 737 Sim Update – July 2022 – Circuit Breaker Panels

The P6 circuit breaker panel coming together and looking like it's supposed to.

Working on adding real circuit breaker panels to my 737 cockpit.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.simobsession.com/blog/737-sim-update-july-2022/

Buying Parts for your Home Flight Simulator Cockpit

What do you need to know when buying parts for your home flight simulator cockpit build?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.simobsession.com/blog/finding-parts-for-your-flight-simulator/

Building a Boeing 737 Home Cockpit Rear Bulkhead

Time to start enclosing my cockpit shell with a rear bulkhead.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.simobsession.com/blog/adding-realism-to-your-boeing-737-cockpit-rear-bulkhead/

The Devil in the Details – Bringing my Simulated Boeing 737 Cockpit to Life With Some Extra Detail

Adding little details to your home-based flight simulator cockpit can really enhance the realism and enjoyment of the experience.  These last weeks I’ve been keeping busy by adding some little cockpit details to add some realism, and tying up some of those nagging loose ends. I’ll talk about some of the simple, yet useful enhancements …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.simobsession.com/blog/adding-detail-to-your-home-flight-sim-cockpit/

You’re such a Knob! 3D Printed Map/Chart Light Knobs

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I love my 3D printer. I use it regularly to quickly make small parts I need using just a little imagination and creativity. A part I’ve been wanting to make for a while is the Boeing 737 Map/Chart Light knobs on the forward sidewalls. No one seems to make …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.simobsession.com/blog/youre-such-a-knob/

Wet Compass and More 3D Printed Parts

I have to say, I’m really enjoying my 3D printer. For less than $300 for a Creality Ender 3 printer, coupled with Autodesk Fusion360, I’m able to make just about any component I need on a small scale. Comes in really handy when you’re willing to put in a little extra money and time to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.simobsession.com/blog/more-3d-printed-parts/

Stick It! – Making Placard Stickers/Decals For Your Flight Sim

I’m starting to work on smaller details of my sim now that most of the major things (at least, those I can afford) are mostly complete. One of the areas I wanted to enhance was cockpit placards (or decals, stickers, whatever you want to call them). I looked around on the Internet and there were …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.simobsession.com/blog/stick-it-making-placard-stickers-decals-for-your-flight-sim/